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Scan and save important data and documents using our scanning services. No matter what size your documents or photos you can easily save them with our scanning devices. Scanning helps turn hard copies into electronic data easily and decrease your paper clutter. Our self-serve scanners save your paper work as JPEG, PDF or TIFF files. You can scan documents of any size and scan them to google drive or dropbox. With our wide selection of scanning devices you are sure to find the right one best suited to your personal and official needs. You can take a pick from flatbed, mobile, document, photo, receipt and other types of scanners. Save your time with our efficient high speed scanners. You don’t need to manually feed your paper copies to scan piles of them in minutes with our auto document feeders. Duplex scanners are ideal for two-sided documents. Edit and share photos, documents, cards and other important papers with our quality cost effective scanners. Browse or call us today to get a quote and place an order.

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